Faith-Based Counseling

You recognize you need counseling, but…

You want to ensure it aligns with your faith.

You don’t want a counselor who’ll encourage you to go against your values or show contempt for your religious beliefs.

So… you search for a “Christian counselor” (or “Islamic counselor,” “Jewish counselor,” or whatever counselor aligns with your faith).

But what exactly does that mean?

Are you looking for a counselor who shares your faith?

Someone who can skillfully incorporate details of your faith into your therapy?

Many counselors advertise themselves as “Christian counselor,” meaning they do counseling and are Christian. They can share their faith where it’s helpful or appropriate.

But what if you could have a counselor who is a trained theologian (two master’s degrees and a doctorate in theology and ministry) with decades of pastoral experience?

That’s me! Here’s what I can do for you…

I can help you explore what you believe…

Beliefs about God, nature, fate, yourself, others, choice, and change.

I can help you connect your beliefs to your struggles…

Does your future depend solely on you, or is there more at play that you see? What is hope, what do you base it on, and how does it affect depression and anxiety? What is forgiveness, and how does it impact how your partner hurts you? What is the connection between how your parents treated you and your view of God? Does that empower you or beat you down?

I can offer you different theological perspectives for fresh insight…

For example, instead of giving you a platitude like “Give it to God,” how might insight into man’s free will and God’s sovereignty speak to the anxiety you are feeling about a major life decision?

As your counselor (and not your church pastor)…

You won’t have to worry about running into me at your church and feeling embarrassed that someone might find out.

And because I’m your counselor and not your church leader, I don’t have a particular set of religious beliefs I’m expecting you to agree with and maintain.

There’s no judgment from me about what you believe or how you apply your beliefs to your situation.

Let’s talk…

I’ve helped Christians, Muslims, Jews, atheists, and even a couple of Wiccan witches weave scientifically researched, evidence-based psychotherapeutic principles and personal spiritual beliefs into their recovery.

If you’re looking for a counselor who can incorporate YOUR faith into your therapy with skill and experience, I can’t wait to meet and work with you.

Don’t leave your beliefs outside in the waiting room!

Call today for your free consultation. Let’s see how I can help: (972) 295-9267.