
Nothing sounds fun anymore.

Honestly, you’d rather just scroll your phone or pull the covers back over your head and sleep.

Your joy and passion for life have been replaced with going through the motions to survive another day.

You’ve got a list of tasks to complete but can’t find the motivation, or your mind keeps thinking about other things.

Sometimes it gets so bad that you start thinking that “checking out” is a good option.

You’d like things to be different, but nothing seems to work.

You tried a new hobby, but that didn’t last. You thought that exercise might help but never found time for it.

Maybe you’ve turned to drinking or using other substances to numb the pain. But those ended up creating additional problems once the buzz was long gone.

The self-help books and podcasts made sense, but it was too difficult to follow through. Now you feel even worse about yourself.

“Maybe I’m just lazy or unmotivated. Or worse… a loser.”

No, maybe you’re depressed!

Depression robs you of the ability to enjoy life and do what’s needed to advance and succeed. It’s like you’re trying to run a race with shackles on your feet, but no one else sees the restraints.

They (and you) wonder what your problem is: “Just get up and run!” But you can’t. Then the shame sets in, making it worse.

The value of an informed, outside perspective.

Often, simple changes in what we choose to think can make a huge difference.

The problem is that most thoughts happen automatically and unconsciously, so we don’t know what thoughts need to be changed.

That’s where therapy comes in. I will hold a mental/emotional mirror up and point out things you might not see until they are pointed out. It’s like a “find the hidden animal in this picture” exercise. We can’t see it until someone shows it to us. After that, it jumps to our attention, and we are surprised we didn’t see it before.

Maybe you’ve made assumptions about yourself, others, and the world that feel like driving with the parking brake on, but you are unaware those assumptions even exist.

You’d be amazed how often my clients beat themselves up with rules for their lives that they readily admit are not realistic when I ask them to apply those rules to others. It’s just that they weren’t aware they were thinking that way.

Don’t let the depression win. Take action.

Unfortunately, the same depression that keeps you in bed or doom-scrolling on your phone is the same depression that’s trying to convince you right now that counseling won’t work… that it’s only for “screwed-up people,”… or that you don’t want to be “one of them.”

I know this because that’s what I thought before I went to counseling for the first time.

Don’t listen to it! The sun CAN come back out. You CAN get back to dreaming and succeeding!

All you have to do is make one phone call. From there, we’ll talk confidentially about what is going on. I’ll present what I believe are the next steps, and you can decide what you want to do.

There’s no pressure… just hope.

Use that hope to get the ball rolling in the right direction. Call today for your free consultation: (972) 295-9267.