About Therapy

It’s not just theory with me…

My interest in becoming a therapist arose 35 years ago due to experiencing its life-changing power in my life.

Often when clients describe their struggles, I am reminded of similar times in my life. I know what it’s like to feel hopeless, locked in frustrating and non-fulfilling patterns in a relationship, and lose sleep by intrusive thoughts of terrible outcomes that seem to be closing in.

But I also know the joy of seeing hope and new possibilities pop up like spring flowers blooming in a desert. I’ve witnessed how new tools have broken my relationships out of the same old rut, generating renewed closeness, affection, and passion. And I’ve witnessed anxiety dissolve away, being replaced by peace and hope for the future.

I’ve lived long enough to know…

… that not everything fits in neat boxes – even if we’re told it should. I’ve sat with parents working through the overwhelming pain of losing a child, and I’ve listened to stories of childhood traumas so awful they sound like the script from a horror movie.

I’ve seen the pain in a person’s face when the values they were taught and have held on to no longer work with their present reality, but they are afraid to tell anyone, especially family, out of fear of judgment and rejection.

I’ll truly listen to you.

I want you to feel like you are heard – even if for the first time in your life.

I know what it’s like to have your hurts and concerns dismissed with clichés and simplistic solutions.

I remember the therapist in my first therapy session said, “You just need to suck it up and make a decision.” I left feeling more depressed and hopeless than when I walked in. (Thankfully, I found another therapist who listened and empathized, such that I felt like someone finally grasped the confusion and pain I was going through.)

I’m actually thankful for that first therapist showing me what not to do.

You don’t need any more of that.

But I’ll do more than just listen.

Once I’ve heard the in’s and out’s and complexity of your situation, I’ll offer you some perspectives that maybe you’ve never considered—things I learned from school, mentors, my therapists, and my clients.

You can then decide if and how it applies in your unique setting. After that, we’ll see what is working and what isn’t.

You’ll be in control of the process. After all, you know your life better than I do.

“Who is this stranger?”

You might ask yourself that as you come to my office or log in for therapy for the first time.

Naturally, your next question is: “Is he safe to open up to, or will I regret what I share with him?”

Let me put your mind at ease. In therapy…

You can say absolutely anything, and it won’t leave the room (unless YOU share it),

You won’t be judged, and…

Your concerns won’t be minimized.

I want counseling to be a good experience for you.

And I want you to leave with more hope than you had coming in.

We will laugh together and learn together.

You’ll be free to cuss, cry, or thoughtfully sit in silence.

We’ll discuss and laugh about things we’re not supposed to talk about in polite company.

You’ll be able to talk about the people who get on your nerves and all the times you wanted to tell them off (or tell me about the times you actually did).

About Me

I’ve always been a rather deep thinker…

… wondering about life and why we do what we do.

Why is there suffering?

Why must we die?

When I see the color green, do you see the same color or something else that you call “green”?

My road to becoming a therapist was long and winding!

I initially wanted to be a physician, so I got an undergraduate degree in biochemistry. Then, in medical school, I realized I was more interested in our mental experiences and struggles than what was going on in our bodies.

I considered becoming a therapist, but I ended up going into ministry. I earned a Doctor of Ministry degree and led churches in Texas, California, and Wisconsin for 23 years.

But all that time, I was still interested in being a therapist. So, I switched directions, returned to school, and started a new career.

As a therapist, I love focusing on people…

I love hearing what makes someone tick and learning about their heartaches and dreams. And it’s so rewarding when I take helpful lessons I’ve picked up along the way and offer them to someone else who’s hurting.

I’ve applied this stuff to my life and found more happiness and peace than ever before. I’ve been married for 17 years and have seen how this stuff makes a huge difference. And I’ve got three teenage boys who have provided me with a wonderful laboratory to learn about the joys, frustrations, and insights of parenting.

When I’m not doing therapy…

I’m spending time with my family and three dogs. Whenever I can, I like to get away to the mountains of Colorado. I’d rather be there than at a beach, but I’d rather be at the beach than here in the miles and miles of concrete we call the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex.

Throughout my life, I’ve been blessed with a wide array of experiences, including jumping out of an airplane 11,500 ft over Texas, whitewater rafting Class 5 rapids on the Nile River, and talking my way into a date with a Victoria’s Secret model.

I’ve had the privilege of attending graduate school in Malibu, California, experiencing the bitter cold of winter in Siberia, and witnessing the heartbreaking sights and smells of the slums of Nairobi, Kenya.

Let’s find a way forward for you…

Whatever you’re going through, things can be better….IF you take action.

Waiting for a better time won’t help. There is no better time. Contacting me doesn’t mean you’re committing to doing therapy with me. We’ll set up a time for a 15-minute free consultation, during which we’ll talk about what is going on, see if we’re a fit or not, and then determine the next step.

You’re in control of the process, meaning I’m not going to talk you into something you’re not ready for. But it also means it’s up to you to take the next step.

Call or text me at (972) 295-9267.