Hope. Peace. Healing.

Don’t give up on the life you want.

Therapy for Individuals and Couples in Frisco, TX

That inner critic just won’t shut up.

The same thoughts play on repeat in your head…

“You’re such a loser. You got passed up for that promotion again.”

“Why even bother? You never finish anything you start.”

“You can’t do anything right. How can you expect your family to count on you?”

“It’s your fault when things don’t go right.”

Worries from the day follow you to bed.

A good night’s rest… you can’t remember what it feels like. There’s no escape from your racing mind.

Well-meaning friends tell you to “just relax” or “just think more positively.”

“I wish I could!”

They don’t get it. Trying to relax or be positive doesn’t work when you’re overwhelmed by painful memories or your life is falling apart.

No part of your life is untouched by the hopelessness and hurt you feel.

Your relationship is suffering.

It feels like you find something new to argue about every other night.

“For once, can’t we just have fun without it having to turn into a fight? We used to enjoy being together.”

Now you’d rather go to a different room or scroll the Internet – anything to avoid the tension.

You’ve tried talking or not talking or planned vacations for just the two of you. But nothing’s worked, and it feels like nothing will.

The idea of relief feels like a myth.

You’ve tried everything looking for a respite – drinking, pills, staying busy, shopping, or video games.

They distract for a little while. But then the pain comes back when the high wears off, and you’re left dealing with the hangover, loneliness, and shame.

But it’s a cycle you stick with because you just don’t know where else to turn to get the help you need.

“What am I going to do? I can’t keep doing this.”

Something’s got to change.

There is a way forward, and with help, you can find it.
You don’t have to do this alone

There are proven methods you might have heard of – many you likely don’t know.

The good news is you don’t have to learn them on your own.

By reaching out and working with an experienced counselor, you can find the missing key that unlocks the door to a better life.

Hi, I’m Curtis.

You know balance sheets, computer programming, or complex diseases. I know emotions, relationships, and trauma.

Let me loan you my brain. Maybe there really is a path forward, but you just can’t see it because of what you’ve been through.

I can truly listen to what you’re going through and what has brought you to this point in your life. Then, with a fresh set of eyes, informed by my unique experiences and training, we can find a way forward.

I have seen it happen in my clients’ lives, and frankly, it is so exciting and rewarding…

Anxiety replaced with peace.

Depression replaced with joy.

Couples laugh who I had never seen laugh.

There is hope, and we can find it together.

The next step is up to you.

I can’t call you, or I would. This part is yours to do.

Don’t let fear hold you back when potential relief is just ahead.

Let’s figure it out together. Call me and let’s talk: (972) 295-9267.

I’ll listen to what is going on, tell you what I can offer you, then
you can decide if you want to proceed.

C. S. Lewis wrote, “What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step.”

Are you ready to take the next step?